18 November 2022

The Bulleid 4DD Double Deck EMU Supporters Group is delighted to announce that thanks to some very generous donations, the target to fund the move of carriage S13004 from Northampton to Sellinge has been reached. Planning to move the carriage is now advancing in cooperation with the Northampton Ironstone Railway Trust with the hope of re-uniting the two units at Sellindge next spring when the winter has passed.
The 4DD group would like to thank all those who have made donations to enable the move of the unit to happen. However, the group is in need of even more funds to restore two units rather than one. Please continue your generous giving by contacting us at:


This email address can be used for any other enquiries.

We will keep everyone up to date with our plans on our Facebook pages and news on our web pages at:


This email address can be used for any other enquiries.

We will keep everyone up to date with our plans on our Facebook pages and news on our web pages at:


Thanks once again.

The Bulleid 4DD Double Deck EMU Supporters Group

Categories: News