It gives me great pleasure to announce that the Bulleid 4DD Double Deck EMU Supporters Group Committee are the proud new owners of the Sellindge 4DD 13003. We will, in time, reveal what our aims are for the future of the Sellindge 4DD. We will introduce a membership and newsletter starting in January 2019.

We’ll be attending Railway Events and Shows next year to help spread the news and help fund raising for the Restoration of the Sellindge DD.

I would like to thank all of the Committee for their support over the last 15 months.
Alyson Parris
Chris Hurst
Richard Midwinter
Bernard Tilley
Stephen Chambers
Clare Chambers
Andy Smith
Lynze Burgess

If anyone has any questions about the above, please contact us.

I would like to dedicate the Purchase to the following people. Without these people, the Bulleid 4DD’s and our group wouldn’t been where we are today.

Henry Frampton Jones, in 1971 setup a fund to save the 4DD from the Scrap Man and brought it to The South Eastern Steam Centre at Ashford.
Thanks Henry, R.I.P.

Esmond Lewis Evans, for having the DD at the Steam Centre and later in and around Kent to preserve it.
Thanks Esmond, R.I.P.

Martin Allen, for saving the 2 Driving Cars from the Scrap Man when the South Eastern Steam Centre Closed.
Thanks Martin.

Richard Moffatt, who setup the first visit to Sellindge to meet Esmond Lewis Evans in December 2015. Without Richard’s help we wouldn’t have met the previous owner and be in the position we’re in today.
Thanks Richard.

Alan Brierly, who was a great supporter in the early years of the Bulleid supporters group in 2016, he donated tools, welders and a generator to help move forward with our project. Alan’s passion for Photography and Railway Heritage, has given us a great insight to the South Eastern Steam Centre days and the Burnt out remains of the other 4DD set at Hoo Junction.
Thanks Alan, R.I.P.

Jonathan Flood, without Jonathan’s Facebook page I wouldn’t have known about the Bulleid 4DD’s. A Double Deck Passenger train, never heard of it! I never knew one existed!
Thanks to Jonathan for letting us take over the FB page. Without this FB page none of this could have happened!
Thanks Jonathan.


Ian Ross. From the start, when I said “Let’s stop talking about it and do something about it” Ian stood by me through thick & thin and we moved forward. As you all know Ian’s Facebook posts are now legendary. His time spend building up the FB membership has been a key factor to our success. His help with setting up our original website, printing flyers and generally keeping the group a float with publicity has been without a doubt, a major factor in getting us where we are today; Owners of the Sellindge 4DD 13003.
Thanks Ian. R.I.P.


In the words of Ian Ross; “The Future’s Bright, The Future’s Electric!”

Categories: News


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