We are in need of funds to buy paint for S13004. Each pot costs around £100. Please consider making a contribution towards the cost of the paint.
You can help to restore the two remaining 4DD coaches by donating at:
or scanning this QR code:
On Tuesday 23 May 2023 the other surviving 4DD carriage S13004 was successfully moved from the Northampton Ironstone Railway Trust to Sellinge Kent to be reunited with S13003. Plans for restoration of both carriages are being developed.
View a video of the carriage being unloaded
Have a look at the other photos of S13004 leaving Northampton, at the M1 Services at Toddington and being unloaded at Sellindge.
The Bulleid 4 DD
Conceived by OVS Bulleid for the newly nationalised Southern Railway’s commuter route from London Charing Cross to Dartford, the two 4DD (Double Deck) EMUs were the only double-deck trains to run on the main railway network in Britain.
The 4DD Double Deck units were a unique experiment in UK train design, an experiment which carried on in service for over 20 years. The trains were withdrawn in 1971, and only two coaches from one of the units remain both in poor condition and in need of some care and attention.
This website is dedicated to the history of the 4DD Class. It supports the Facebook interest Group Bulleid Southern Railway 4DD EMUs.
If you would like to join us in the work to restore these historic trains or would like to make a donation to enable us to continue the work, you can do so by visiting:
or scan this QR code:
We are in urgent need of funds to continue with painting S13004. Paint cost about £100 a tin. Please consider if you can help.